
No matter how much you’ve lost, people don’t care, and it sucks.

I’m sorry if this isn’t allowed but I wanted to see how other people felt about this situation and if anyone has felt the same. I’ve lost around 70lbs and now weigh 288lbs at 5’10” (was around 350lbs a year and a half ago), I’ve put in a shit Ton of effort, tears and blood into dropping weight and actually staying consistent (and still am). And while I’m still aware that I’m fat and still obese for my height, it feels like no matter how much I lose I will always be viewed as a fat ass, people telling me I should go to the gym, telling me to watch what I eat and giving me unsolicited weight loss advice. Maybe I’m just caring too much about what people think but it hurts the hell out of me as I’ve always been super conscious about my weight. I usually just laugh but it makes me feel like shit. It feels like no matter how much I lose I’m just viewed solely by my current weight. It’s disheartening, and I need to know some ways to not get so shot down by this.

submitted by /u/I_Love-Lasagna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

