I (F25) stepped on the scale today and was shocked at what I saw, even though realistically, I shouldn’t have been. I felt my clothes tightening around me, felt the extra inches on my belly, and knew I was making poor eating choices again, but I kept going. I am now 278.8 pounds at 5’7”.
I have been obese since childhood, and graduated high school at a whopping 250 pounds. My weight has yo-yoed a bit over the years, dropping to my lowest of 215 my sophomore year but gaining back up to where I started by the end of college (2022). Over 6 months between the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023, I gained over 30 pounds, reaching my (previous) highest weight of 274. I spent the next 6 months losing some and got back down to my baseline.
I maintained the loss for about a year, but over the past 4 months I’ve gained nearly 40 pounds, making me the fattest I’ve ever been. At first I blamed the added pounds on the holidays, but if I was being honest with myself, I would’ve recognized binging/overeating habits returning with a vengeance.
I can’t believe the weight packed on so quickly, and I feel extremely out of shape. The fatter I am, the less energy I have, and I can’t motivate myself to get off the couch for less than a significant social event or important errand.
My BMI is 44, making me deep into morbid obesity. I know I need to do something, but I don’t know how to break these patterns. Even when I had lost some weight and was maintaining it, I could never get below 250, and it seems to pack on 10x easier.
Any advice on how to get the push to start a journey when you feel resigned to your fate? I don’t want to be over 280, I don’t want to let the gain continue, but I feel so stuck.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/1i6danh/morbidly_obese_and_the_fattest_ive_ever_been/
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