
It’s going to take so long to lose the weight and it’s killing me

I’m a M26. I’ve been overweight all of my life. The last couple of years I’ve been battling depression and my weight got a lot worse. I’m currently 268 pounds and while that’s not as bad as some have it, I’m still obese and in my opinion am very unattractive because of it. I carry the weight terribly, worst that I’ve seen from someone my weight and height.

I’ve never had a dating life because of it. There’s many factors, but a lot comes down to my weight. Not just the physical unattractiveness that comes with it, but also the complete lack of self-esteem and the rock bottom confidence. I’ve tried dating and trust me no one is interested. I know fat people date all the time but I’m not one of them. I just can’t at my size, believe me when I say that. I have to lose the weight before I can get anywhere with dating.

I also want to focus on the weight loss before dating, but it’s killing me how long it’s going to take. Absolutely killing me. It’s on my mind literally 24/7. I almost started crying at work today just thinking about it. I know I can use the apps to just get out there a little bit but I’m telling you I get absolutely nothing. I fear the rejection will only make me feel worse and eat more.

I just want to find someone to love and hold and kiss and it fucking sucks I won’t be finding her until I’m 27 at best.

Any advice you have is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/Far_Chocolate_7794
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

