I 21M started working out 5 months ago and had lost significant weight (from 110 kg to 93kgs) but recently, i can't control myself from craving a burger or a pizza once every week and even though im workingout, im eating in surplus and I've reached 100kgs again.
I have tried fasting techiniques like OMAD(One meal a day) and all but, i just can't overcome my body's cravings and i give in. I have been the fat guy in the group ever since i can remember and i just want to lose some weight.
When i try meal prepping most of the time, i dont feel full after eating it and i either order something from outside or i eat the meal meant for the next day. I was very happy with my progress when i had reached 93kgs but, now i am feeling a bit sad because of the weight i have regained.
I know its common to lose some weight and then gain some but, i cant seem to overcome my cravings. Guys please provide me with a few pointers on whatypu guys do or did throughout your journey.
(Current details : 21yo, 100kgs, 174cm)
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/1i9k6s8/i_cannot_suppress_my_apetite_anymore_please_help/
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