
Stress eating

Hi guys,

I’ve been doing pretty well this weight loss push. I’m down 13kg over three months with 20 more to go to my goal. Normally around the two to three month mark I tend to go off the rails. I’ve been trying to address this by eating an extra 200cal on days I feel very hungry or taking a few days to eat a bit more and have a break every month or so.

My issue at the moment is I have some work drama that is making me anxious. I can feel myself slipping back in stress eating habits. Last week I practically rushed out of work to go to dinner and eat a bunch of Thai food. Today I ran for a bit after work first to burn off some anxious energy, but it didn’t work and then I ate a healthy dinner followed by a ton of rocky road and have made myself feel sick.

I feel like I’ve covered the basics; eating healthy, moderate deficit, diet breaks, exercising regularly. How do you handle the urges to binge eat when you’re stressed?

submitted by /u/rosemoore2705
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

