
Weight distribution - double chin after starting low carb diet

I'm not sure if I was keto but my carbs were under 20g and I wasn't counting fat or protein, just eating mostly meat. This was about 20 years ago, so it was more amorphous in terms of categories when one attempted low carb - most well known term was Atkins around that time I think. It worked in that I lost a substantial amount of weight fast, but regained it and identical efforts didn't yield the same results.

I have a question about weight distribution for people on low carb diets of any kind. When I was doing low carb the first time, pretty soon after starting I noticed I lost weight but was gaining a double chin. I had tended to this apple type of distribution - upper body/back/stomach dominant, but not to this extent and as fast to me more in these areas. I am different than a lot of apple shapes in that I have large upper arms. I have some suspicions that the low carb had to do with the redistribution of the fat in terms of stressors on the body and how that affects hormones, for one, but don't know - hence the question. I don't think I was insulin resistant at that time (I didn't have tests done but didn't have any outward symptoms, except darkening skin in creases but I don't think it was due to insulin resistance because I had that problem since I was a child). I'm female if that matters as well.

Does anyone have a scientific explanation as to why one would gain a double chin after starting a low carb diet? Like I said, I suspect that an answer would have to do with a hormonal change. Seems to be happening this time around too in my current efforts. I don’t think it’s that I’m losing weight and it comes off last in my double chin area, I feel like I actually gain weight there while losing elsewhere. Last time I tested hormones (within a year) no thyroid problems, testosterone was normal range, got a 24 hour cortisol test and it’s normal. Are there other hormones I should test?

submitted by /u/Nervous_Couple_4649
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