
Need some fat loss advice, kinda basic, sorry...

Basically, 20M, I've been working out, and I know that it's mostly my diet etc, however I've had a problem : sugar. Basically, I use those fucked up energy sirups in my water, and I want to break from it... And also wanna lose belly and thigh fat... Very complicated to organize my thoughts sorry, I'll make a list of the advices I want :

-Is there any healthy alternatives or any method to break from those syrups? Because water has become dull to me, so I kinda want to add some nice taste to it without it being unhealthy (tried lemon juice, like pure lemon juice, and mint leaves... Not that successful with it...)

-is there any way to target fat loss? Basically I wanna lose fat everywhere, but I wanna lose fat faster on my belly and thighs. I already took on the habit of working out at least 3 times a week for about an hour or an hour and a half...

-is there any type of "usual food" I should straight out cut off or any type of food I should eat more of? For example I don't eat sugar now (apart from those syrups and chewing gum, I use those to avoid eating between meals) and I try to balance meat, fibers and carbs...

Any proven advice is welcome, thanks in advance for helping me

submitted by /u/KirbyDarkHole999
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

