
Feeling Lost and Dont Know Where to Start

Hi there. I'm a male in his 30s, 5'6 and about 270lbs (worst weight of my life). I feel awful about my weight and appearance and want to make changes but I'm overwhelmed with where to even start.

I've pretty much been a bit on the heavy side since puberty but I've never been as bad as I am now. I tried to get into intermittent fasting a few months ago but I got COVID that same week and the whole effort pretty much fell apart. I've made a few efforts at losing weight in the past (fasting, calorie counting etc) but I've never really been able to sustain anything more than about a 15lb loss for a few weeks at a time.

I think part of my issue is that I'm depressed at baseline and that drives me to eat, which just makes me feel worse about myself and restarts the cycle. On top of this, I work a strange schedule (7x 12h overnight shifts followed by a week off) which I'm sure isn't helping my mental or physical health. In the last year, I feel like my diet has significantly worsened in relation to my job too. I think between the schedule and my new income (I went from broke to doing well in a short period of time), I've just been ordering out with no regard for myself because I just don't have the energy to go shopping or cook.

I think I need a therapist to start working with to address some of the deeper issues behind all of this, but I'm at a loss as to where I need to break the cycle between my diet and lack of exercise. I'm just looking for any kind of help I can get when it comes to figuring out how to fit exercise into my life or where to start changing my diet.

Ideally I'd like to get under 200lbs but I think I need to focus on week to week changes to make it achievable.

Has anybody been in a similar situation or have any tips regarding what to do?

submitted by /u/Cronac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

