
Losing weight makes me feel younger

Hi all!

I've lost a little under 40lbs, and as a 25 year old woman, I feel like I'm finally starting to act my age. For years, I've felt old before my time, missing nights out for fear of what to wear, never putting pictures on social media but rather being the photographer, never really putting effort into tanning or my hair because what's the point I'll still look fat etc. Combine this with any trendy clothes looking wrong, and feeling like you can't have fun or be flirty/cheeky bc it's all viewed so differently when you're fat, and without realising it I've been living the life of someone much, much older.

I'm now 40lbs down, almost reached the half way point, and I feel like I'm living the life a 25 year old should be living. I say yes to nights out, I join in pictures with friends, I put effort into my appearance and get compliments, I wear clothes that are actually my style and not just "flattering". I feel like I'm a more fun friend, a happier fiancee, and a better dog owner (Big walks and fruity treats!). Losing weight is the best thing I've ever done, and I have been struggling with knowing I can never be 18 and slim, or 22 and slim, knowing that those years have gone, but the one thing I can guarantee is I won't be 30 and fat, or elderly and immobile.

Has anyone else found themselves feeling younger?

submitted by /u/MerlotOnAMonday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

