
Finally doing this the right way.

(F 5’7”-SW:320-CW:263-GW:170)

For years I’ve tried doing crash diets, high restriction that was only going to last until I got to my goal weight. I always would say I needed to or I’ll still be fat by this special occasion or by this holiday. I finally decided to start eating how I want to for my life. Moving my body because I want to be able to run and ride a bike and have energy. Not because I want to see the number on the scale go down solely.

In therapy I also came to realizations about my relationship with my weight. I highly encourage it if anyone is struggling. I eat more vegetables now, I work them into my day and I am happy to do it. I still eat a bit of junk, I am cutting them back but not out. I have my bad days but I haven’t binged in weeks.

One thing that has also confirmed to me I did the right thing is what happened with my dad. He lost a lot of weight in a short period on a carnivore diet, elimination of most everything. He walked 5 miles a day also. He then started to eat as much as he felt like and gained 45lbs all while walking 5 miles a day. I realized that eliminating or highly restricting may lead me to that as well like it has before.

I am finally doing what I should have years ago, try to have a sustainable diet that I will enjoy. Everyone’s idea of sustainable is different, for me 1200 calories and fasting isn’t. The weight is coming off slower but still am seeing great results. If anyone is doing the same thing in regards to restriction I hope my post can set you on the path I should have years ago. Y’all are awesome and I’m proud of everyone here who is working to make themselves better. You got this!

submitted by /u/AdEcstatic9933
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

