

My (32F) father (70+M) was admitted to hospital earlier this year- 3 days before the final exam for my Masters degree, because he passed out at home. Several weeks of tests and medical appointments later, and we found out there's a family history of heart disease, and weight is a risk factor for that. As a result, Dad has started to make some changes, and I decided to do so as well. I started 3 weeks ago at 106.5kg ( 234ish pounds) and after 3 weeks, I'm down to 103.9 and so proud! I know it may not seem huge to some, but it's the first time since before the pandemic that I've been there, and I'm thrilled. Up until now I've been doing one gym session solo, and one with a trainer, but this week starts my commitment to 2 solo plus one with a trainer.

I've just made small changes to my diet, like having a salad from KFC instead of a burger combo, and I know there's work to go, but it's a start.

submitted by /u/Devilfromdownunder
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

