
Isolating myself until I lose weight.

For context I am not depressed at all, I am very driven to lose the weight. I have a personal trainer and I am so tunnel vision focused to lose this weight.

I 26F am so overweight. I have finally accepted that it's not normal for me to be like this. I am 97kgs 160cm. I want to at least lose 30kgs in 6 months time. At the moment I'm not gonna lie , I feel very uncomfortable in my clothes, I know I can buy more clothes but I don't want to. I want to lose the weight. And I know there are some plus size fashionista's but I don't want to be that.

I used to be very much into style and looking good, but now I gained weight and I don't know how to dress this body. I have tried to look good but I just can't get it out of my head how much my weight makes me look like a person who has 4kids when I'm single with no children. I just want to get back to my old comfortable weight then I will start exploring my fashion again.

I'm currently not going to in person church because of this, as an African Christian church is a big part of my social life. I meet everyone there and I could potentially meet a boyfriend there. So for me my logic is I just want to show up at church once I feel good. For now I'm just attending online church.

My life at the moment is walking very long distance, going to my gym sessions with my trainer, meal preparation, and sleeping. That takes a lot of my time. I'm willing to sacrifice these 6 months for that.

Has anyone ever successfully isolated themselves for weight loss?

submitted by /u/Abundantly-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

