
I want to lose a good amount of weight before June next year.

Simply put, I want to look good for my girlfriend. We've been dating long distance for 2 years and are officially meeting in June next year, but i don't look good. I understand the whole "self love" and "confidence" point of views and i promise it's not superficial, i enjoy myself and accept myself as I am. But i know i can look better, and just be stronger and more capable and I want her to have that version of me.

I need some help figuring out a realistic amount of weight i could lose and how to do it. I haven't measured my height in a while but I'm around 5'9 or 5'10ish last time i checked and I weigh 277lbs. I'm a 22 year old Male, I'll be 23 in September. My job has me unloading a truck 2 days of the week and working basic retail the other 2 days, 10 hour shifts. the 277 isn't muscle it's mostly fat, I'm kind of stronger than my coworkers but not enough for me to think it's just a lot of muscle under the flab.

I want to be more fit, for my job, myself, and for my girlfriend so I'd appreciate any advice. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Ira-jay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

