
Healthy weight for adenomyosis

Hi all, new here,

I've just started my weight loss journey and it's something that I'm still learning. Started easy with 15 minutes of HIIT and 30 yoga a day. I used to be really fit and ran for my own in competitions but few years ago fell ill with Adenonyosis. Since then I have went from uk size 10 to size 16 in a year with fluctuations based on my pain level. I'm on a treatment plan that has virtually removed my pain aside from a small flare up every couple of months.

I was curious about if anyone knows anyone with things such as Adeno, endo, PCOS or any other hormonal issue that can cause weight gain.

I have started eating healthier because I did develop an unhealthy relationship with food when I fell unwell as a form of comfort. I have a smoothie every day, I follow a lower carb diet but not completely restrictive as I know that would be too hard for me to do, especially at this moment.

I'm also a full time teacher and currently off for summer so I'm also worried about how to balance this with work as well. I'm typically out the house for 12hrs a day, sometimes more due to work.

Any advice welcome such as tips, help or personal experiences with both hormonal weight loss/gain as well as that work/exercise balance.

submitted by /u/Adventurous_Ask_9010
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