
Do you feel like your parents are making your weight worst?

So I’m F(19) and for the most of my life my mom has been worried about my weight. Every time she tells me “sugar makes you fat” “your going to get diabetes if you keep doing that” “when will you go to the gym and lose weight” “you should take pills it will help you”. I know my mom is worried about me but I hate how we fight about this all the time. Everytime she brings it up it just makes me feel worst about how I look. I know she thinks she is helping but I want to know from other people do you feel the same about your parents? Like they are always so hyper focus on your weight more then anything else? Also I want to make it clear that I am overweight I don’t know how much I weight but the scale that I have in my home told me I was 210.

submitted by /u/Both_Protection6492
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

