
Am I overdoing cardio?

I'm 6'2" 286 (17 pounds lost so far) and I've been working on changing my body composition, cutting towards a goal weight of 205-215 to eventually bulk up to 225.

I've been in the gym 26 consecutive days and I'm consuming around 2k-2.5k calories a day (when I'm a good boy).

On my off days I do an hour of low impact cardio followed by an hour of resistance training. Work days I cut the resistance training in half.

I've got plenty of muscle mass from years of resistance training in the past so I'm not looking to build muscle as much as I'm looking to burn fat. Obviously I'm seeing the results on the scale but it's still too early to tell if I'm burning off muscle mass vs fat

Which leads me to the question, is it more productive to spend the extra time focused on resistance training than the cardio when it comes to changing composition? Or am I just overthinking it?

submitted by /u/Drizzy5Names
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

