
What to do/expect after a "free feeding weekend"?

Heeeello pretty people,

I'm doing something this weekend that I haven't done in several months - I'm just eating whatever I want and not tracking. For context, I've been steadily losing about 1kg per week for the past 14 weeks, and am currently 2kg above my target weight range, which is the healthy one for me (according to my doctor). I've gone from 82kg to 67kg from April to now with no hiccups, and would like to eventually stay below 60kg, but anything below 64kg for me is a bonus, so I'm close to my target.

This past week I've achieved a few different milestones, coincidentally - related to my career and education - and so my family decided to celebrate today. I've been anxious/excited and so my appetite increased a bit this week, but I was eating as usual anyway until yesterday. I decided, since Sunday (today) was gonna be a day in which my macros are definitely going to be shot to hell, I should treat myself to a weekend in which I simply eat to my heart's content and don't track.

I've had several different snacks in my home that I can never really eat because they don't fit comfortably within my daily calorie range (they're all very high in carbs), some of which are either about to or have recently expired. I've been freely and happily snacking on them since yesterday. I think I actually stayed within maintenance calories, particularly as I ran 10k (not intentionally) + walked a lot. If I went above, it wasn't by much. But today I am deeeeeeefinitely going to go above maintenance, I'm guessing by about 500-600kcal, which I haven't done.

For those of you that have done this for one reason or another - what should I do following this? Or what should I expect? I'm very curious to see how my body will react to it, but, given that I'm eating 3x the amount of carbs that I normally do + drinking alcohol, which I also never do, I know I'll retain a lot of liquid, so I've decided I won't weight myself twice this week as usual and will instead just do it next Sunday.

When you do this, do you try to compensate by lowering your calories over the course of the following week, or do you just eat as usual? For how long do you usually keep the extra water weight?

Would love some stories or to hear about your experiences. I expect that, once I hit maintenance, some of this is going to happen a few times each month, for either work/family events, and I've developed a routine during the week that's great, so I want to be able to go into weekends like this with the peace of mind that they won't throw me off track.

submitted by /u/PurpleHymn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

