
What foods keep you full for longer?

I recently started my journey to healthier lifestyle and I want to lose weight. I found out that I have severe insulin resistance because I tried to find the reason for my tiredness and other symptoms.

I'm countring calories and I realized... Im always hungry. I eat breakfast, then 1 hr later I'm hungry again. I hit my calorie goal halfway through the day and I'm just hungry for the rest of the day. I realize my IR probably has something to do with it but it's so hard to manage it all while not going crazy.

Any tips? I avoid simple carbs (like I substitute white bread for whole wheat, add protein and fat to it). I try my best to balance my meals but it doesn't seem to do much :(

Please be kind, I dont have much knowledge yet :)

submitted by /u/ThatFaithlessness101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

