
Skinny-Fat Advice

Hi! I’m 29F, 174cm, 58kg and what I’d call skinny-fat.

I recently went for a health checkup where they measured my body fat % and the doctor told me I was over the average. Before this, I led an extremely sedentary lifestyle and rarely exercised.

I’ve also noticed some stomach fat that I have accumulated over the past year or so, that I want desperately to lose.

I’ve started going to the gym 3x a week for the past month - half an hour of cardio (walking on an inclined treadmill) and a variety of weight training.

Wondering if anyone would have any advice on this? I’m not sure if the calorie deficit is still applicable in this case - I want to cut down on fat and reduce mt stomach fat but not necessarily lose weight.

submitted by /u/aeries10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

