
Input on my workout routine

Hello everyone! I am looking for any input/advice/suggestions on my workout routine. I regularly rotate through the following:

Day 1: 1 mile run, Chest, and triceps (chest press, shoulder press, tricep cable pulls, triceps extension, assisted dips, pec flys )

Day 2: 1 mile run, legs/glutes (squats, hip thrust, leg press, leg extension, leg curl, abductor, adductor, Calf extension)

Day 3: 1 mile run, back and biceps (lat pulldown, cable rows, cable bicep pulls, reverse fly, back extension, assisted pull up)

Day 4: active rest

I have been going every day, mostly as a personal goal. Overall, I'd like to lose fat and build muscle 🤷🏼‍♀️

submitted by /u/Seffarig1432
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

