
How to incorporate protein into meals?

TLDR: I struggle finding non/meat or low effort options for protein during the day (not dinner)

I'd like to start incorporating more protein into my meals but I don't know how! I usually only have a bit of protein for dinner, otherwise I struggle with it because meat takes so long to prepare.

(btw I'm lactose intolerant. I can handle things like cheese but tend to struggle with more liquidy forms like milk or large amounts of yogurt) (and generally only struggle with cow milk. I've been thinking of getting goat milk but idk if it's good)

What are some easy and (at least some what) low calorie, non-meat or easy-to-prepare-meat protein options for breakfast, lunch, or snacks?

I know I could just get myself together and put more effort in, but my adhd makes it so hard to have the motivation to do even basic tasks that I would rather focus on way before my diet. Additionally, I'm considering the fact that being skinny won't make me happy. Being thin alone will not bring me joy. Therefore, I am making sure I don't sacrifice so much for my weight loss that I end up regretting ever doing it.

Any help is appreciated, love you all and wishing you lots of luck on whatever journey you're taking up in life! God bless you! ❤️

submitted by /u/GuestRose
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