
For those who have reached their goal, how did you build sustainable habits?

Hey all, I’m writing this because I’m having a bit of an issue coming close to my goal weight. Currently, I’m a 5’8 male (SW: ~305 lbs CW: 184: GW: ~160) who is having problems the closer I get to my goal. I find that I’m binge eating or not caring about my calorie intake later in the day (my third and final meal). Up until the start of this year, I did not follow a program/track calories until I reached around 195 lbs. Calorie counting and logging my lifts have helped keep me accountable, but I subconsciously throw away my progress as soon as I get home. Despite this, I know I will regret my intake choices and sometimes I indulge to the point of being uncomfortable in my stomach. Has anybody felt similar? What are some tactics you’ve used to help mitigate excessive/impulsive eating? Advice is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Rush_-B
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