
Advice: Dealing with weight loss hormones

Hi all. I’m 30 F on a weight loss journey which is going great except I’m an emotional wreck. I’ve lost about 15lbs with the goal of losing 70lbs. My husband and I are weightlifting, increasing protein and veggies, while reducing carbs and staying in a calorie deficit. I’ve read fat stores hormones that are released when you lose weight. Is there a way to navigate this? Is there any advice you’d share? The fact that I’m not using food as a coping mechanism could realistically play a part in all this.. I just don’t want to fall off the wagon. But to put it in perspective.. I SOBBED because my husband wanted the onions chopped more, and did it himself in an attempt to help me. I cried because he didn’t ask me to do it. After I got myself together, I felt like a toddler before they learn to regulate their emotions..This is not like me at all, and I feel like I’m being unbearable. Send help.

submitted by /u/Empty-Sky-2833
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

