
I need to lose weight

l'm a 5'8(M) and 217lbs(13yrs old) Most of my life I have been over weight. I have tried to lose weight in the past but couldn't stick to it.

I've always wanted and needed to lose weight. I know taking it seriously so I can go back to school skinnier. I work out 1 and a half hours a day and trying to go on a calorie defect but I can't count my calories because I usually eat what is cooked. I eat barely any thing in the morning and then don't eat until I work out. I haven't checked my weight after I've started (started last week).

I am wording if I keep doing this fo around two month that I would start to have heath issues.If you have advice I will gladly take it.

submitted by /u/mjdatboss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

