
How to keep on track when I can't count my calories?

This summer, I told myself that I will finally lose the weight that bothered me for years. I already have an experience with dieting and calorie counting, but kind of in the negative light. I really got into counting when I was 15 and almost spiralled into the rabbit hole of BED. Thankfully I realised what I was doing and stopped before it could get any worse. Since then, I have tried on and off to count calories for weight loss, sometimes I lasted a month, sometimes just one day. The problem is every time I couldn't count because eg. we went out to eat for an event, my brain would instantly switch in binging mode, basically with the irrational logic that I already lost the track today because I couldn't weigh every single item I ate, so why don't just screw the calories for today and eat everything I have been denying myself. And then I overeat on food and junk, much more than my calorie deficit allows and much more than I would have eaten if I hadn't been counting calories previously.

This might have been manageable if I didn't go out to eat at all and perhaps gave myself one rest day during the week when I wouldn't count (but would seriously try to keep in control and not start a binging spree). However, I started a summer job which is basically food preparation (I know ironic isn't it). So not like your regular restaurant or fast food but more a private company that prepares food, snacks, finger food and desserts for private events. The problem here isn't that I can't keep myself from snacking during work (I wouldn't dare to just eat their food) but that the amazing beautiful people there offer you food throughout the day. Either there are leftovers from what they just made (pasta, potatoes, bread, fruit, cheese, meat) or they just make us meals altogether so we aren't hungry (sandwiches, eggs with bacon).

So basically, almost every day at work for the better part of the day I eat without being able to count. If I try to count on my free days before, I go overboard during those days I can't count. If I don't count at all, I just come home from work and try to make myself a healthy meal and stop eating when I feel full. But then I truly have no idea whether I'm maintaining, in deficit or overeating.

(And before you suggest to bring pre-made meals to work, I wouldn't be able to refuse the food they offer and there's usually not time to sit down and eat a meal, that's why they snack on sandwiches and such. I'm also most definitely not an "anxiety fears him" type of person, so if one of the ladies just hands me a sandwich she made specifically for me, I can't just throw it into the trash with the words thanks, I have my own packed.)

submitted by /u/kairi_nival
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