
Struggling to commit

I have tried google but struggle to find an answer to coping with an issue I have.

I want to completely change my diet. I have done so in the past, I track my food, eat healthily, allow the occasional bit of junk and exercise plenty - some mental health issues caused me to drop this and go back to constant junk and no exercise. I want to get back to it.

I can usually go a day or two of a healthy lifestyle but then, I find myself feeling uncontrollably anxious and desperate for Junk food. To the point where I can't sleep - all I can think of is bingeing like crazy and eating everything in the house.

Have tried speaking to my GP but they haven't offered anything useful. Does anyone have any tips or way to beat the anxious feeling I get when I want to go crazy for junk?

I need to do this. I hate the way I look currently, my weight has ballooned again but When trying to fight this feeling, I always end up losing.

Would appreciate any tips people may have who have dealt with and beat this before.

submitted by /u/Rdavies3303
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

