
f22 weight gain these past couple months.

Hi I’m (F22) reaching out because I feel like I have nowhere else to go. I’m 5’5 and normally have been in the 140s for the past four years that I’ve been in college. But these past couple months during my senior year I have gained around 30 lbs. I’m 172 now. I truly truly, do not understand. I don’t eat any more than I used to, and I’ve actually been more active. The only thing I can think of is cortisol levels maybe being high because my mental health has gotten worse but that has gone hand in hand with my self esteem issues since I’ve gained the weight. People tell me they don’t think I look different but I look back on photos from a couple months back and my face was definitely slimmer and my arms were too. Now when anyone takes a photo of me I hate it because of what I see. I used to struggle with an ED in 2020 and I broke free of it but my brain is so mean to me right now because of the unexplainable weight gain. I got in a healthy relationship these past couple months too and we actually meal prepped during those months too and they were healthy. I’m at the point considering either going to a psychiatrist to get medicated to lower my stress and depression or go to the doctor to see if they can test my thyroid or something. I’m so lost and feel so alone because I don’t want the people around me to consistently hear me complaining about my weight gain. Please if y’all have experienced this before or have any clue on what my next step should be please let me know. I know this is horrible of me to say but I’m about to let my past €D win again if I can’t figure out what’s going on.

submitted by /u/Old-Assistance-1341
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