
At what point does belly fat start to go?

I carry the majority of my weight on my front, big boobs and belly 🥴 I've lost a stone so far, got 3 to go to get to my ideal weight. I've been losing regular, and I've been doing lots of cardio for 3 months.

I am just wondering when I might start seeing my belly start to shrink.

Has anyone been similar to me, carry your weight on your front and lost it? How long did it take?

I guess maybe in another few stone I'll have to see some kind of difference. I want something to look forward to 😆 it's hard doing this for 3 months and not seeing a difference in my appearance. I'm like grr I'm so fit now but still I look 7 months pregnant.

submitted by /u/hypertyper85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

