
I really need help with portion control

Hello dear community,

I can happily report that I have lost more than 30 kilos on my weight loss journey, but the last 20 kilos that I need to lose are proving to be a huge pain.

And I also know why: Because I largely eat the same portions, which is simply no longer sustainable.

Now, I am aware that I should reduce them, but here is my problem: That is easier said than done. At least for me.

To give a very easy example: I used to cook myself a hearty meal of potatoes and sausages. I usually eat 2 sausages and a serving of potatoes. I can easily reduce the potatoes. But reducing the sausages is a bit trickier. Only eating 1 is still keeping me hungry, and eating 1,66 sausages isnt really doable. I could compensate with using the same amount of potatoes, but that throws off the balance of the dish.

This is just an example, so dont take the meal itself too literally. You can use this principle on pretty much anything that I eat. This very much throws apart the measurements of any and all meals that I have ever prepared.

What do I do in this situation? Am I just overseeing a glaringly obvious solution to this?

submitted by /u/Accomplished_Bug1762
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