
Long Term, Sustainable Success with No Sugar & No Flour?

I’ve been reading up and researching on hunger. I’m one of those people who seems to be so hungry despite having “enough” calories and quality, filling food.

I’ve done a lot of work around disentangling cravings from physical hunger and while craving play a role, I do think it’s physical hunger mainly. I’ve had extensive blood work done and everything seems fine.

Based on the findings I’ve researched, artificially concentrated food like flour and sugar can wreak havoc on our main hunger hormones (insulin, leptin, and ghrelin) and how they interact

All this to say, has anyone here cut out sugar and flour either all at once or gradually, and seen progress not just with weight loss, but with normalizing hunger?

submitted by /u/zayneklifecoach
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

