
How much should I be eating a day?

I'm trying to figure out how much I should be eating a day with my activity level. I'm pretty active, and spend an average of 75 minutes a day working out. I'm 5'5" and 151 lbs right now. I've been aiming for 1,600 calories a day, and I'm not noticing much change. My weight loss is incredibly slow. I actually just got an InBody scan so that I can get another one in several months and hopefully see some changes there. I think part of why I'm not seeing changes on the scale is that I'm gaining muscle.

In addition to not noticing much change, I'm finding myself feeling weak and headachey more often then I'd like lately. I've also had more cravings than usual, and have had a couple days where I gave in. To me the cravings indicate that my body needs something that I'm not giving it. I'm eating pretty balanced. Plenty of protein. Lots of fruits and veggies. Healthy carbs and fats. I also don't think of any food as bad, and have the occasional sweet treat so that I don't end up binging on it later.

I'm worried that I'm not eating enough. Yet in my weight loss brain, that doesn't make sense. I feel like I should be eating less. So I need some advice. I know apple watches are not the most accurate, but here's some numbers that could help:

In the past month I've burned an average of 662 calories through movement.

In the past month it calculates my average resting calories burned at 1,739.

This puts my total average calories burned a day at 2,404 a day.

According to InBody scan that I did, my BMR is 1,350 calories.

submitted by /u/Cute_Implement_1888
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

