
How do I get leaner?

Hi guys! I am currently on my weight loss journey. My starting weight was 93kg, and I'm currently hovering around 86kg.

I started losing after joining BFT, and I am currently on their 8 Week Challenge. I just did my mid-week body scan, and I'm quite happy with my new BF% which is 18.8% (down from 23.4% a month ago)

However, I am still very unhappy and conscious about the way I look - I still feel huge, and I have not really gone down a clothes size (used to be XL but now I sit somewhere in between L-XL) My legs are leaning out but I feel SO heavy on the top - my arms look gigantic, and I feel very conscious when I see photos.

do you have any tips on how to increase the weight loss, and just lean out abit? I'm currently working out about 6 times a week - a 50/50 mix of cardio and strength traning (lifting weights etc), and I just started going to pilates maybe like once a week?

submitted by /u/StylishMuffin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

