
Is 1263 too low calories to eat everyday?

According to LoseIt app they gave me about 1200 calories to meet my goals which right now is to get to at least to 140 pounds in July (CW: 195). I get really hungry and feel fatigue even if I eat lots of veggies and salmon fish and lean meats like beef.

But I'm thinking maybe the symptons are from sugar withdrawals since I'm not eating a lot of chocolate snacks like I normally do since I've been dieting.

I checked the tdee and it says for cutting calories I need to eat only about 1500 calories a day because I have a job where I sit at the desk all day. And also because Im considered "short", but Isnt that still low?

I'm 5'3, 195 and 33 years old. Im really confused.

submitted by /u/FunDependent9177
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

