
I don't really care about being super ripped/thin

I (M15) brought this up with my friend(also M15) who I go to the gym with, and he looked at me like I was insane.

For some context I'm 5'2 and weigh 203 pounds (used to be like 192 but I fucked up my knee and ended up binging for two months and didn't do any exercises for a while).

I don't need an incrediblely visible six pack and huge arms to be happy. I don't give a shit if I'm a little pudgy if I can eat more of what I love and not constantly count calories. I'm working towards just being NOT obese and getting stronger. I honestly would love to have a bit of dad bod. I think that dad bod is fucking beautiful and as long as I'm strong and capible, who gives a shit if I'm a little chubby? Not me, that's who.

Another thing is that I've been talking to my doctor and she says that I'm doing everything right and I'm in excellent health. My blood sugar is great, blood pressure, great. I'm more active than I've been in my life, the only thing wrong with me is that I'm obese, which I'm evidently working on.

I want to be healthy AND happy, and I'm going to try to get to a normal weight, of course; but I really REALLY don't care if I end up happier a few pounds overweight.

My friend said that it's weird for me to feel this way and that I don't have enough drive to be the best version of myself, but isn't a happy and healthy me the best version of myself?

What do you think? Do you think this is odd?

submitted by /u/the_kilibird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

