
Do I need to lose weight?

I'm 5'3 and 126 lbs. Most people I've seen who are 5'3 aim for around 110 so I'm wondering if I should? I've never presented as chubby really, I have a little bit of fat on my belly/arms/under my chin but enough that it's really not noticeable and I can mask it easily. I also have a lot of muscle in my legs (very strong calves that most people notice, stronger than average quads) but pretty much no upper body muscle. If I look like this, why do I keep seeing people say 120+ is above ideal weight for a 5'3 person? Should I lose weight? I've been trying to work out to gain muscle, so if I do end up trying for fat loss, any tips on combining that with muscle gain?

submitted by /u/stalll95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

