
I can’t stop overeating, what do I do?

This past year and a half I’ve been living on my own for the first time in my life and I went from weighing 180lbs to 260lbs. This has left me feeling absolutely worthless and I can’t seem to pick up the pieces on my own. In recent months I’ve finally gotten a lot closer to being consistent about making meals at home instead of having fast food every single day. But it hasn’t been enough to help me fight the overeating and addictive snacking. Whenever I eat normal-sized meals, I end up feeling hungry 15-30 minutes later and end up binge eating snacks. I feel powerless against that feeling whenever it comes up, and then live in constant food guilt over the food I eat and the fat that just won’t budge. I want to make progress, I want to feel okay in my own body, I want to be able to go out and be active again like I used to in high school before Covid. I’m only 20 and I feel like I’m going to lose the chance to live happily in my young adult life because I’m overweight and unhealthy.

submitted by /u/kirriios
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

