
Drop the soda.

For about age 5 to early 20 I always drank coke. Coke no matter what. Sometimes it would be so bad that as a kid I would drink upwards of 4 a night everyday and my parents kept asking how in the hell all the cokes were finished so fast. I don’t want to put the blame at all on my parents but we never would actually “run out” of coke. The regular was always a 24 pack of coke. It progressed towards bottles of coke and then it spiraled to McDonald’s large cokes. I always had coke available, lol. Coke ._. Anyways i had so much soda only that i can’t even remember drinking water because it felt “Yogerty”? I can’t imagine how bad it’s for you when you wash junk food down and then top it off with a large sugary soda. God damn. I haven’t drink coke in like two years. I don’t plan on ever going back. Just recently I drank some jarrito soda and I felt like shit mentally for drinking it. It was almost like a poison to me. I was doing alright for two months with upping my water intake but I’ve been doing that anyways for a year too. The reason I mean this is because I broke my half gallon water bottle a couple weeks ago and shamely haven’t replaced it. I filled the whole thing up and drank it completely everyday even twice sometimes. As I’m writing this I’m buying another bottle(ps. Don’t buy water bottles that are mainly plastic). Drop the soda!

submitted by /u/CompetitionEasy511
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