
Advice Needed

Hello. I've been exercising for practically the first time in my life over the past two weeks. Week 1, I did 3 days, but this past week, I did every day. I'm doing 45 min of HIIT and hitting 10k steps most days. I'm trying to lose weight, but somehow I've gained 8 lbs (265-273). I'm 19 and 6'1. Is this just a fluctuation from getting used to working out? Will it go back down? Is it muscle growth?

As well, i will note I've upped my protein intake, and my caloric intake has been slightly elevated (~+400 cal, approx 3000 cal/day) between post workout hunger and holiday sweets. I just don't understand.

submitted by /u/Next-Ad3723
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

