
Lost 40kg/88lbs, still fat?!

I (F23) have been on a weightloss journey for 4 years now, it has had it’s ups and down, but for the last two years its been going really well.

I am 180cm tall, and currently weigh around 89kg/196lbs. 4 years ago i was 125kg/308lbs (i just googled the kg to lbs conversion, if it’s wrong, im sorry).

I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, where i lift weights, and ive been doing it consistently for 3 years now. I see progress in my strength and the shape of my body due do gaining muscles, but man, i’m still fat.

And its not like i am hallucinating. I can see and feel that i still have a big-ish belly. And its fine, most of the time. But then i see these «i lost 18kg» transformations, where they go from looking obese to toned, and its so frustrating.

I also really struggle. My lowest weight recently was 87kg/191lbs, but i got to that weight after the summer where i was not being at the gym, and i was barely eating more than probably 1200kcal, so i gained back a couple kg’s when i got back to the gym and actually started eating again. Its like my body doesnt want to go any lower. I finally have a good relationship with food, so after 4 years of counting calories, i finally am able to not do that, and just listen to my body. I know i eat good, i dont eat too much (probablt 1800-2000kcal), i never eat snacks or candy anymore cus i dont crave it, i never binge anymore and i have been alcohol free for 5 months.

What the hell am i doing wrong?

submitted by /u/fiskepinnen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

