
I’ve lost 5.5kg and have at least 10kg to go, getting impatient and I feel like my body dysmorphia is playing up big time!

I need encouragement, I’ve lost 5.5 kilos in about 6 weeks which is great, but was just looking in the mirror at my bum (it’s huge and dimply and I hate it) and I feel sad and angry that it’s going to take so long to change how it looks. I’m female, 38 years old, my period is due in about a week (I get PMDD, extreme PMS) so I’m guessing that’s the reason why I’m feeling so down on myself, I have been feeling so good about myself until today. I just need to be patient and consistent. Weight loss is hard, but we’re doing it. X

submitted by /u/Medium_Scar_9146
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

