
It’s been a good month!

I’ve increased my Pilates classes to 5x per week and instead of walking 3+ miles at once, I break it up into two walks per day averaging around the same distance! I’ve also cut out alcohol (I never really drank more than 2-3x per month anyway so it was easy to do), increased my veggie and fruit intake, slightly increased protein, and cut back on bread, refined sugars, and snacking in general. I also swap some of my coffees to tea which has helped with water retention I think (I was drinking 4-5 cups of black coffee a day, now it’s 1-2 with 3-4 cups of tea per day.) Next feats include drinking more water, getting more and better sleep, and working on managing my stress and anxiety. I was frustrated and stuck at a plateau for a while and I finally broke it this month! The first week of October: 127lbs Today: 121.8 lbs GW: 118-120lbs

submitted by /u/AmbitiousBird6336
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

