
Is this another kind of body dysmorphia?

40F 5’10” SW250 CW160 GW 150-155?

So, I weigh daily, and today’s weight appeared par for the course, but my eyes and my brain are telling me today that I look bigger than I did last week and the week before. Is this more body dysmorphia trickery?

Seriously, sometimes my eyes and my brain are so insistent that I look bigger I wonder if my scale is broken and I am actually gaining rather than losing.

I can’t figure out what’s triggering this. I did really well on Thanksgiving, and I got right back to my normal deficit afterwards. I have been slacking a little on my weight lifting routine lately, so maybe guilt there is causing the self perception issues?

Does anyone else experience this? Anyone’s brain tell them they look bigger when the scale is staying the same or going down?

submitted by /u/Penelope-loves-Helix
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