
Friends feeding you

So, I’ve been less big than I used to be for about 5 years now and it’s a struggle not everyday but most days. For whatever reason I put weight back on incredibly easily which is not helped by well meaning (I assume) friends. Some of these people did not know me when I was bigger but they do know how much weight I’ve lost and how down I get when it starts to come back but only recently a very close friend of mine had a birthday and was given a chocolate cake by family member that for whatever reason they don’t like and won’t simply dispose of it discreetly and they seriously expect me to eat it for them I’ve tried to be nice and say I’ll have a piece with you but the disappointment on there face when I said I can’t eat to much of it broke my heart. I know to feed is a natural caring instinct for many of us and I’m very grateful for the positive side of this. Anyone else deal with this.

submitted by /u/zs180v6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

