Ads important are they to cut down on?

Hi everyone! Im relatively new to the world of dieting, so please forgive me if I leave out any info or say something stupid. I'm a 33 year old female, 5'6". Starting weight 295 pounds, current weight 245.6 pounds. My calorie limit everyday is 1300 calories (set by my doctor, see below), which I hit nearly everyday (i actually cant think of a day I was over).

My question is this: I've been seeing a weight loss doctor, and she gave me the "goal" to stay under 130 grams of carbohydrates. It's definitely doable, but I find myself cutting out fruits and veggies to help lower the amount of carbs I eat. This is completely counterintuitive to what I thought dieting would be. Like an apple is 25 g of carbs which is significant when you can only eat 130 g... It's just amazing the foods that have carbs in them too that I never would have guessed.

My question is: am I stressing over nothing? If I get close to my carb goal but stay under my calorie goal is that ok? Like yesterday I went out for breakfast with my family and ordered French toast (I know, my fault, my stupid choice), was over my carb allotment by the end of the day, but was under my calorie allotment as I didn't eat much the rest of the day because I wasn't hungry.

Thanks for everyone's help!

submitted by /u/LabNo9831
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