
Anyone have saboteurs?

For context, I work on a large loading dock with 300+ employees and the man to woman ratio is somewhere around 20:1. I have a handful of people I work with (older men) who asked me (younger female) why I lost so much weight (20lbs). I told them I wanted to be healthier. Then they looked at me like I grew a second head and insisted that I look great the way I am and don’t need to lose weight and I shouldn’t lose any more. It’s fine to have that opinion, but it’s not their body or decision so I brushed the comments off. I’m 5’10, 228 pounds and want to be around 160. Now that they have found out that I’m actively trying to lose weight, they have been bringing treats to me daily, which they never did before. Candy, pastries, soda, etc. I always politely decline, but instead of taking them back they just leave them on my desk. I find it very frustrating that they are continuing to bring these to me after I have repeatedly asked them not to and explained why. They are really polite about it so I almost feel guilty becoming so irritated but I feel as though they aren’t listening to me at all and are actively trying to sabotage my efforts.

submitted by /u/VB_swimmer_10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

