
trying to get my dad to lose weight

hello all… around five years ago my dad went on atkins diet and lost 30-40 pounds. ever since he has gained all his weight back and more, he doesn’t eat a whole lot but i’ve noticed he has a problem of eating at night and generally as a family we eat very healthy.. he’s pretty overweight and i don’t know how to tell him it’s gonna affect his health without coming off like a bad person when all i care about is him… i don’t know what to recommend him because he’s tried dieting for the past few years but he just gives up the next day, and working out won’t really fit into his schedule because he works a lot. i genuinely don’t know what to do because i don’t want it to linger long enough and affect his health, are doctors prescribing ozempic for obesity? type 2 diabetes does run consistently throughout his family… he also has immense back pain which i believe is coming from his weight…..

submitted by /u/Competitive_Lab8260
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