
Srarting Again - Tips and Motivation Needed Please

31F | 5'1" | SW: 164 (lbs) | CW: 164 | GW: 140 | UGW: 126


So just a little about me (sorry if I'm not meant to do that):

Pre-covid my weight fluctuated between about 121 to 133. During covid, I gained weight through not eating as healthy, barely leaving the house/exercising, but I also think been put on sertraline (zoloft) played a big part of it.

From 2020 to 2022, I went from around 126 to 167.

I came off the sertraline cold turkey (very silly of me, I know) and I lost a few lbs, then I actually got covid and lost maybe 7lbs, and at some point I landed at around 154.

My weight stayed around that from early 2022 to this year, and admittedly maybe I didn't try hard enough to get back under that number. Yes, I was eating healthier again and cooking more, but obviously I was not doing enough.

A couple of months ago, I was prescribe fluxotine (prozac) and I feel like the weight is creeping back on again. Maybe it's my eating, maybe it's because with my new job it's mainly WFH again, maybe it's the happy pills...

...regardless, it's a wake up call, after stepping on the scales and seeing 164.

I should mention I'm vegetarian, just based on any tips for eating that might be provided. Moreover, I've recently job the gym, if anyone can advise what they think the best exercising to be doing to kick start the weight loss.

I'm sorry for writing so much there, but any tips or what motivates you will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/fuchsiabunny
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

