
How do you deal with your weight fluctuating during your menstrual cycle?

It’s the same every month. I’m doing well, making slow but steady progress, and then around the 20th my weight starts to stagnate without me doing anything differently. Then I think “Oh it’ll keep going down soon.” but, no, then it goes up a pound or two and stays there or increases a bit further until the beginning of the the next month when it goes down those two pounds right before my period starts. Over the course of my period I lose another 2 to 3 pounds on the scale.

I know that it’s probably water retention but it’s still frustrating to see the number go up a lot feeling unable to do anything about it. I’m in that same boat right now and I can’t control the doubts that start creeping in. What if it’s not just water? What if it isn’t caused by my period? What if I’m doing something wrong and it’ll keep going up? It’s hard to be absolutely sure.

I know I shouldn’t put that much faith into what the scale has to say, but to me that’s the only measurable way to see progress. When I look into the mirror I don’t really see it.

(I’m 22f, 5’4”, 166 pounds, lost 23 pounds)

Sometimes it’s hard to keep going when you feel like your best effort is not enough. It seems like I have no control over my body half the month and it’s incredibly frustrating. It doesn’t help that my period hurts and makes me emotional.

How do you deal with such big fluctuations during your period? Or just unexplained weight gain in general?

submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Net7328
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