
How did you start?

I really feel like I’m finally ready to change. 6 years ago I was very active, I actually ran the Boston Marathon and did Orange Theory every day. But sadly (and I don’t plan to get into the reasons why) I went from about 105lbs to now 500lbs since this. It was slow for a few years and I was only 350 about a year ago, but then this year it really surged and I put on a lot of weight really fast… bringing me to 500lbs. I’m only 5 ft tall so that’s a factor as well. I’m so uncomfortable. I can hardly walk. I need to exercise but I can’t. I’ve thought about swimming but I don’t even know how I’d get in/out of the pool. I have a serious food addiction so dieting is hard. I don’t have a support system, my family hates me being fat.

I guess what I’m asking is… How did you start? I need to start. I truly just don’t know how.

submitted by /u/curiouslyquirked
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

