
Hey folks- what am I doing wrong?

Hey folks, so last year I lost about 20 lbs, started at 260lbs and have fluctuated with the next 10lb since.

2 months ago, I decided to get serious again but i seem to be having a harder time this time around. The scale does not move- what am I missing?

27F, 234 lbs, 5’4

Eating approximately 1400 calories per day

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 multigrain bread Lunch: 1 chicken thigh, half a plate of mixed vegetables (fried in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt/pepper) Dinner: 1-1.5 cup lentil with 0.25 cup yogurt

Snacks (I have some not all in one day, depending on the day): - small double double (Tim horton) - Fruit (1 piece) - Hand full of nuts

Supplements: Omega 3, collagen, calm magnesium, Vitamin D, occasional protein powder

Strength training 3x / week + 7k-10k steps 5days a week + yoga 1x week

In theory, I should be losing weight but Im not. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Fickle_Challenge4972
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

